- GPS精度可以必須要找時間來測試一下。
- 今日測了兩台,一台Virage 10格--20格 13.2秒 。回程的時候,自己隨便測了一次~怪了~比之前測的還慢~
10格到20格竟然要12.3秒,對照了一下~ 換檔約在0.5-0.6秒之間~
10格到20格竟然要12.3秒,對照了一下~ 換檔約在0.5-0.6秒之間~
其實我一直覺得一定還有很多沒找到的免付費gps 資料分析軟體,今天在分享一個…
http://tpizza.110mb.com/ecv1_2.htm his page will calculate lots of values for an engine configuration that you enter. This is useful for determining the size of turbos, injectors, exhaust piping, intercooler piping, etc. It also gives you an idea of what affect better heads (better Volumetric Effiency), higher boost pressure and other factors have on horse power output. Values by default are for 6a13 2.5L V6 24V DOHC Engine. 8G Mitsubishi Legnum VR-4(ec5w) or Galant VR-4(ec5w).